Policy Statement :
Dafodil Hospital is committed to providing quality patient care and promoting patient/family satisfaction. Dafodil Hospital's faculty and staff shall handle all patient/family complaints and grievances consistently and in a timely manner. Dafodil Hospitals shall track and trend complaints and grievances and implement necessary changes and process improvements under the direction of the Quality, Patient Safety and Service Committee.
Application of Policy :
Dafodil Hospital's Faculty and Staff.
Definitions :
Complaint is defined as a verbal expression of dissatisfaction by the patient/ family regarding care or services provided by Dafodil Hospitals which can be resolved at the point at which it occurs by the staff present. Most complaints will have simple solutions that can be promptly addressed and resolved when the patient/family is satisfied with the action taken on their behalf.
Grievance is defined as a formal verbal or written expression of dissatisfaction with some aspect of care or service that has not been resolved to the patient/family’s satisfaction at the point of service. All verbal or written complaints of abuse, neglect, patient harm or the risk of patient harm, or a violation of the Patient's Rights and Responsibilities are examples of grievances. A verbal or written complaint sent to the Health Care Quality and Risk Management department or any request from a family to treat a complaint like a grievance will be considered a grievance.
To raise an issue or lodge a complaint contact :