The Pathology department of Dafodil Hospital provides round-the-clock service to ensure Safe Transfusions and quality care to patients. It is equipped with the Latest Equipment for processing Blood and Blood Products with the objective to make Safer Blood and Blood Products available.
24×7 service which includes: –
Blood Donation- Donor Screening & Medical Checkup of Donors
Checking of Donor Haemoglobin % by Hemocontrol / Hemocue.
Screening of Donated Blood Units for HIV 1&2, HBSAG & HCV by TPHA and Chemiluminescence & Malaria by Immunchromatography.
Supply of various components apart from Whole Blood
Packed (conc.) Red Blood Cells (with a standard shelf life of 35 days as well as the extended shelf life of 42 days when collected in sagm)
Fresh Frozen Plasma
Random Donor Platelet Concentrate (RDP)
Cross Matching By Column Agglutination (Gel) Technology
Transfer of Blood/ Blood Components & Neonatal & Paediatrics Use By Sterile Connecting Device.
Leukoreduced Packed Red Blood Corpuscles