Visitors at Dafodil Hospital
Evening : 5.00P.M to 6.30P.M in Floors 2nd (ITU & HDU), 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th (ICCU, CCU, NU)
Children below 12 years of age should visit during the evening hours i.e. 5.00 P.M to 6.30 P.M.
Children are not allowed to visit the 3rd Floor (ICCU, CCU, NU), and the 2nd Floor (ITU, ICU-1, ICU-2, and HDU).
In order to afford maximum rest to the patient, the pass system is prevalent as under:
Visitor’s Pass for Floor 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th – 2 Passes.
Visitor’s Pass for Floor 2nd, 7th (ITU, HDU, ICU-1, ICU-2, ICCU, CCU, NU) – 1 Pass.
Night Stay Pass – 1 Pass.
Visitor’s Pass for availing couch facility: 1 Pass (Chargeable & Non-Cancellable).
Visitor’s Pass for availing chair facility: 1 Pass (Chargeable) – Daily Basis.
Visitors are requested to please observe the visiting hours strictly which is essential for the proper care and comfort of the patients.
No requests for extra passes or visiting beyond visiting hours will be entertained.
For any clarification on the Visitor's Policy, one may communicate with the Admission Office.
For a visit to the Blood Bank on the 2nd Floor, a visitor’s pass is required which is available from 8.00 A.M to 7.00 P.M from Reception and from 7.00 PM to 8.00 AM from Admissions Office. Liftmen and Security Personnel are authorized to inspect the pass.
Patients are requested not to bring or keep any money, jewellery, or valuables with them during their stay in the hospital. The hospital does not take any responsibility for any loss of such valuables. Visitors to the patients are also requested to take care of their personal belongings. The hospital does not take any responsibility for the theft of any such items.
Foreign patients should deposit their passport with Admission office on admission and collect only on discharge.
Use of Mobile Phones – in common areas such as First floor Lobby, Corridors in floors etc. is forbidden. Similarly, in ICCU / CCU/ ITU/ ICU/ NICU/ HDU/ SCBU, the use of mobile phone is forbidden. All are requested to switch off the mobile phones before entering such areas.
Electronic Players or other musical instruments may be played in the room with prior permission and at a volume which is not a cause of disturbance to others. After 10 P.M no such instruments will be allowed to be played. Television, wherever provided, should also be viewed at a low volume.
Ample parking space is available for patient visitors. Do not block the road and make enough space for ambulances.
Please note that you are under 24 hours electronic surveillance from the main road and in all floors and every nook and corner of the building.
Since Hospital is considered a public place, smoking is forbidden under the law and is treated as a punishable offense. Hence, all are to ensure that the law is not violated.
A spot fine of Rs. 1000/- shall be levied which is payable in cash as per government law for every violation.
Visitors are requested to give preference to patients and doctors while making use of the lift services.
The management will not be responsible for the failure of the air conditioning system or any other technical/ mechanical faults of any equipment. No claims, whatsoever, in such an account will be entertained.
From time to time these activities take place in the hospital. We regret the inconvenience from such activities and request full cooperation. These are done for benefit of the patients and to improve services.
Those desirous of giving pranami are requested to place their donation in the box provided and not throw the same on the floor of the mandir or give to the purohit/ priest.
Flowers are not permitted to be brought to the hospital for presentation to patients. One can present gifts as an alternative to flowers. The presentation of flowers has been stopped to avoid infection in patients.
Please do not tip the staff. Patients wishing to give gratuities are requested to place them in the box provided on each floor. Amounts so collected will be divided amongst all sub-staff equally.
The management will appreciate it if they are immediately informed by the patients or their relatives in case any of our staff solicits tips in order to discourage the undesirable practice. Kindly note down their name carefully from their Identity Card and report to the Management or Ring 033 4050 5555.
At the time of discharge, a suggestion form shall be given to the patient to be filled and returned duly sealed to the IPD Billing Counter on the Ground Floor. Till such a suggestion form is received clearance shall not be given by the counter because it is very important that we receive these forms duly filled up as feedback.
Please be free to write your suggestion and views. In case the suggestion form is not given due to oversight, the patients/ relatives should ask for it and return the same duly filled.
We have displayed at strategic points our evacuation plan and floor plan. All are requested to study the same and follow it in case of any emergency. Please do not create any panic whatsoever.
This is available with the Admission Office and will be made available on request. Please write your complaint and mention your contact details. Please mention the patient’s name, bed/room no., and name of the doctor under whom admitted.